[Evam-me sutaṃ.] Ekaṃ samayaṃ Bhagavā, Sakkesu viharati
Kapilavatthusmiṃ Mahāvane, mahatā bhikkhu-saṅghena saddhiṃ pañca-mattehi
bhikkhu-satehi sabbeheva arahantehi. Dasahi ca loka-dhātūthi devatā yebhuyyena
sannipatitā honti Bhagavantaṃ dassanāya bhikkhu-saṅghañca.
have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Sakyans
at Kapilavatthu in the Great Wood, together with a large Sangha of
approximately five hundred bhikkhus, all of them arahants. And most of the
devatās from ten world-systems had gathered in order to see the Blessed One
& the Bhikkhu Sangha.
Atha kho catunnaṃ suddhāvāsa-kāyikānaṃ
devānaṃ etadahosi, "Ayaṃ kho Bhagavā Sakkesu viharati Kapilavatthusmiṃ
Mahāvane, mahatā bhikkhu-saṅghena saddhiṃ pañca-mattehi bhikkhu-satehi,
sabbeheva arahantehi. Dasahi ca loka-dhātūthi devatā yebhuyyena sannipatitā
honti Bhagavantaṃ dassanāya bhikkhu-saṅghañca. Yannūna mayampi yena Bhagavā
ten'upasaṅkameyyāma, upasaṅkamitvā Bhagavato santike pacceka-gāthā
the thought occurred to four devatās of the ranks from the Pure Abodes:
"The Blessed One is dwelling among the Sakyans at Kapilavatthu in the
Great Wood, together with a large Sangha of about five hundred bhikkhus, all of
them arahants. And most of the devatās from ten world-systems have gathered in
order to see the Blessed One & the Bhikkhu Sangha. Let us also approach the
Blessed One and, on arrival, let us each speak a verse in his presence."
Atha kho tā devatā seyyathāpi nāma balavā
puriso sammiñjitaṃ vā bāhaṃ pasāreyya, pasāritaṃ vā bāhaṃ sammiñjeyya, evameva
suddhāvāsesu devesu antarahitā Bhagavato purato pāturahaṃsu. Atho kho tā devatā
Bhagavantaṃ abhivādetvā ekamantaṃ aṭṭhaṃsu, ekamantaṃ ṭhitā kho ekā devatā
Bhagavato santike imaṃ gāthaṃ abhāsi.
just as a strong man might extend his flexed arm or flex his extended arm,
those devatās disappeared from among the devas of the Pure Abodes and
reappeared before the Blessed One. Having paid homage to the Blessed One, they
stood to one side. As they were standing there, one devatā recited this verse
in the Blessed One's presence:
Mahā-samayo pavanasmiṃ
Deva-kāyā samāgatā
Āgatamha imaṃ dhamma-samayaṃ
Dakkhitāyeva aparājita-saṅghanti.
"A great meeting in the woods:
The deva hosts have assembled.
We have come to this Dhamma meeting
To see the unvanquished Sangha."
Atha kho aparā devatā Bhagavato santike
imaṃ gāthaṃ abhāsi.
Tatra bhikkhavo samādahaṃsu
Cittaṃ attano ujukam-akaṃsu
Sārathī va nettāni gahetvā
Indriyāni rakkhanti paṇḍitāti.
Then another devatā recited this verse in
the Blessed One's presence:
"The bhikkhus there are concentrated,
Have straightened their own minds.
Like a charioteer holding the reins,
The wise ones guard their faculties."
Atha kho aparā devatā Bhagavato santike
imaṃ gāthaṃ abhāsi.
Chetvā khīlaṃ chetvā palīghaṃ
Inda-khīlaṃ ohaccam-anejā
Te caranti suddhā vimalā
Cakkhumatā sudantā susu-nāgāti.
Then another devatā recited this verse in
the Blessed One's presence:
"Having cut through barrenness, cut
the cross-bar,
Having uprooted Indra's pillar, unstirred,
They wander about pure, unstained,
Young nāgas well tamed by the One with
Atha kho aparā devatā Bhagavato santike
imaṃ gāthaṃ abhāsi.
Ye keci Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gatāse
Na te gamissanti apāya-bhūmiṃ
Pahāya mānusaṃ dehaṃ
Deva-kāyaṃ paripūressantīti.
Then another devatā recited this verse in
the Blessed One's presence:
"Those who have gone to the Buddha
for refuge
Will not go to the plane of woe.
On discarding the human body,
They will fill the hosts of the
Atha kho Bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi,
"Yebhuyyena bhikkhave dasasu loka-dhātūsu devatā sannipatitā honti
Tathāgataṃ dassanāya bhikkhu-saṅghañca. Yepi te bhikkhave ahesuṃ atītam-addhānaṃ
arahanto Sammā-sambuddhā, tesampi Bhagavantānaṃ eta-paramāyeva devatā
sannipatitā ahesuṃ, seyyathāpi mayhaṃ etarahi. Yepi te bhikkhave bhavissanti
anāgatam-addhānaṃ arahanto Sammā-sambuddhā, tesampi Bhagavantānaṃ
eta-paramāyeva devatā sannipatitā bhavissanti, seyyathāpi mayhaṃ etarahi.
the Blessed One addressed the monks: "Monks, most of the devatās from ten
world-systems have gathered in order to see the Tathagata & the Bhikkhu
Sangha. Those who, in the past, were Pure Ones, Rightly Self-awakened, at most
had their devatā-gathering like mine at the present. Those who, in the future,
will be Pure Ones, Rightly Self-awakened, will at most have their
devatā-gathering like mine at the present.
Ācikkhissāmi bhikkhave deva-kāyānaṃ
nāmāni. Kittayissāmi bhikkhave deva-kāyānaṃ nāmāni. Desissāmi bhikkhave
deva-kāyānaṃ nāmāni. Taṃ suṇātha sādhukaṃ manasikarotha bhāsissāmīti."
"Evam-bhanteti" kho te bhikkhū
Bhagavato paccassosuṃ. Bhagavā etad-avoca.
I will detail for you the names of the
deva hosts. I will describe to you the names of the deva hosts. I will teach
you the names of the deva hosts. Listen & pay close attention. I will
"As you say, lord," the monks
replied. The Blessed One said:
Yattha bhummā tadassitā
Ye sitā giri-gabbharaṃ
Pahitattā samāhitā
Puthū sīhāva sallīnā
Odāta-manasā suddhā
I recite a verse of tribute.
Those who live where spirits dwell,
who live in mountain caves,
resolute, concentrated,
many, like hidden lions,
who have overcome horripilation,
white-hearted, pure, serene, &
Bhiyyo pañca-sate ñatvā
Vane Kāpilavatthave
Tato āmantayi Satthā
Sāvake sāsane rate
"Deva-kāyā abhikkantā
Te vijānātha bhikkhavo"
Te ca ātappam-akaruṃ
Sutvā Buddhassa sāsanaṃ
Tesam-pāturahu ñāṇaṃ
Amanussāna dassanaṃ
Appeke satam-addakkhuṃ
Sahassaṃ atha sattariṃ
Sataṃ eke sahassānaṃ
Disā sabbā phuṭā ahuṃ
Knowing that more than 500 of them
had come to the forest of Kapilavastu,
the Teacher then said to them,
disciples delighting in his instruction,
"The deva hosts have approached.
Detect them, monks!"
Listening to the Awakened One's
they made a diligent effort.
Knowledge appeared to them, vision of
non-human beings.
Some saw 100, some 1,000, some 70,000,
some had vision of 100,000 non-human
Some gained vision of innumerable devas
filling every direction.
Tañca sabbaṃ abhiññāya
Vavakkhitvāna cakkhumā
Tato āmantayi Satthā
Sāvake sāsane rate
"Deva-kāyā abhikkantā
Te vijānātha bhikkhavo
Ye vohaṃ kittayissāmi
Girāhi anupubbaso."
Realizing all this,
the One-with-Vision felt moved to speak.
The Teacher then said to them,
disciples delighting in his instruction,
"The deva hosts have approached.
Detect them, monks,
as I describe their glories, one by one.
Satta-sahassā va yakkhā
Bhummā Kāpilavatthavā
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
7,000 yakkhas inhabiting the land of
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Cha-sahassā hemavatā
Yakkhā nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
6,000 yakkhas from the Himālayas, of
varied hue,
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Sātāgirā ti-sahassā
Yakkhā nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
From Mount Sāta 3,000 yakkhas of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Iccete soḷasa-sahassā
Yakkhā nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
These 16,000 yakkhas of varied hue
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Vessāmittā pañca-satā
Yakkhā nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
500 yakkhas from Vessāmitta, of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Kumbhīro Rājagahiko
Vepullassa nivesanaṃ
Bhiyyo naṃ sata-sahassaṃ
Yakkhānaṃ payirupāsati
Kumbhīro Rājagahiko
Sop'āga samitiṃ vanaṃ.
from Rājagaha, who dwells on Mount Vepulla, accompanied by more than 100,000
yakkhas — Kumbhīra from Rājagaha: He, too, has come to the forest meeting.
Purimañca disaṃ rājā
arrayed with powerful armies
Mahārājā yasassi so
Puttāpi tassa bahavo
Inda-nāmā mahabbalā
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
And Dhataraṭṭha, who rules as king of the
Eastern Direction,
as lord of the gandhabbas: A glorious,
great king is he,
and many are his sons named Indra, of
great strength.
Powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, they have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Dakkhiṇañca disaṃ rājā
Virūḷho tappasāsati
Kumbhaṇḍānaṃ ādhipati
Mahārājā yasassi so
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Inda-nāmā mahabbalā
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
And Virūḷha, who rules as king of the
Southern Direction,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, they have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Pacchimañca disaṃ rājā
Virūpakkho pasāsati
Nāgānaṃ ādhipati
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Then come the Sahabhu devas,
Inda-nāmā mahabbalā
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Athāgū Harayo devā
Ye ca Lohitavāsino
and many are his sons named Indra, of
great strength.
Powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, they have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Uttarañca disaṃ rājā
Kuvero tappasāsati
Yakkhānaṃ ādhipati
Mahārājā yasassi so
Puttāpi tassa bahavo
Inda-nāmā mahabbalā
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
And Kuvera, who rules as king of the
Northern Direction,
as lord of the yakkhas: A glorious, great
king is he,
and many are his sons named Indra, of
great strength.
Powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, they have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Purima-disaṃ Dhataraṭṭho
Dakkhiṇena Virūḷhako
Pacchimena Virūpakkho
Kuvero uttaraṃ disaṃ
Cattāro te mahārājā
Samantā caturo disā
Daddallamānā aṭṭhaṃsu
Vane Kāpilavatthave
Powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
Virūpakkha from the West,
Kuvera from the Northern Direction:
These four Great Kings encompassing the
four directions,
resplendent, stand in the Kāpilavastu
Tesaṃ māyāvino dāsā
Virūḷhaka from the South,
Viṭū ca Viṭuṭo saha
Candano Kāma-seṭṭho ca
Kinnughaṇḍu Nighaṇḍu ca
Panādo Opamañño ca
Deva-sūto ca Mātali
Cittaseno ca gandhabbo
Naḷorājā Janosabho
Āgū Pañcasikho ceva
Timbarū Suriyavacchasā
Ete caññe ca rājāno
Gandhabbā saha rājubhi
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Pañcasikha has come
— deceptive, treacherous —
Māyā, Kuṭeṇḍu, Veṭeṇḍu, Viṭu with Viṭuṭa,
Candana, the Chief of Sensual Pleasure,
Kinnughaṇḍu, Nighaṇḍu,
Panāda, the Mimic, Mātali, the deva's
Cittasena the gandhabba, King Nāḷa, the
Bull of the People,
Kambalas, Assataras, Payāgas, & their
with Timbaru [and his daughter,]
These & other kings, gandhabbas with
their kings,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Athāgū Nābhasā nāgā
Vesālā saha Tacchakā
Kambal'Assatarā āgū
Pāyāgā saha ñātibhi
Yāmunā Dhataraṭṭhā ca
Āgū nāgā yasassino
Erāvaṇṇo mahānāgo
Jitā vajira-hatthena
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Then there have also come nāgas
from Lake Nābhasa, Vesālī & Tacchaka.
Pahārādo Namucī saha
And from the River Yāmuna
comes the prestigious nāga, Dhataraṭṭha.
The great nāga Eravaṇṇa:
He, too, has come to the forest
Ye nāga-rāje sahasā haranti
Dibbā dijā pakkhi visuddha-cakkhū
arrayed with powerful armies
Citrā Supaṇṇā iti tesa'nāmaṃ
Abhayantadā nāga-rājānamāsi
Supaṇṇato khemam-akāsi Buddho
Saṇhāhi vācāhi upavhayantā
Nāgā Supaṇṇā saraṇam-akaṃsu Buddhaṃ
They who swoop down swiftly on nāga kings,
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
(Garuḍas) came from the sky to the midst
of the forest.
Citra & Supaṇṇa are their names.
But the Buddha made the nāga kings safe,
made them secure from Supaṇṇa.
Addressing one another with affectionate
Suriyam-āgū purakkhitā
Nakkhattāni purakkhitvā
Samuddaṃ asurā sitā
Bhātaro Vāsavassete
Iddhimanto yasassino
Kālakañjā mahābhismā
Asurā Dānaveghasā
Vepacitti Sucitti ca
The devas dependent on the sun
Satañca Bali-puttānaṃ
Sabbe Veroca-nāmakā
Sannayhitvā baliṃ senaṃ
Samayodāni bhaddante
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitaṃ vanaṃ
"Defeated by Indra of the thunderbolt
Asuras dwelling in the ocean,
Vāsava's brothers — powerful, prestigious
Greatly terrifying Kālakañjas,
the Dānaveghasa asuras,
Vepacitti & Sucitti, Pahārāda, with
and Bali's hundred sons, all named Veroca,
arrayed with powerful armies
have approached their honored Rāhu
[and said]: 'Now is the occasion, sir,
of the monk's forest meeting.'
Āpo ca devā Paṭhavī ca
Tejo Vāyo tad-āgamuṃ
Varuṇā Vāruṇā devā
Somo ca Yasasā saha
Āgū devā yasassino
Dasete dasadhā kāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Devas of water, earth, fire, & wind
have come here.
Varuṇas, Vāruṇas, Soma together with Yasa,
the prestigious devas of the hosts
of goodwill & compassion have come.
These ten ten-fold hosts, all of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Veṇḍū ca devā Sahalī ca
Asamā ca duve Yamā
Candassūpanisā devā
Candam-āgū purakkhitā
Suriyassūpanisā devā
Suriyam-āgū purakkhitā
Nakkhattāni purakkhitvā
Āgū mandavalāhakā
Vasūnaṃ Vāsavo seṭṭho
Sakkop'āga purindado
Dasete dasadhā kāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Veṇḍu (Vi.sṇu) & Sahalī,
Asama & the Yama twins,
the devas dependent on the moon
surrounding the moon have come.
The devas dependent on the sun
surrounding the sun have come.
Devas surrounding the zodiac stars
and the spites of the clouds have come.
Sakka, chief of the Vasus, the ancient
donor, has come.
These ten ten-fold hosts, all of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Athāgū Sahabhū devā
Ariṭṭhakā ca Rojā ca
Varuṇā Sahadhammā ca
Accutā ca Anejakā
Sūleyya-Rucirā āgū
Āgū Vāsavanesino
Dasete dasadhā kāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Then come the Sahabhu devas,
blazing like crests of fire-flame.
The Ariṭṭakas, Rojas, cornflower blue.
Varuṇas & Sahadhammas,
Accutas & Anejakas, Sūleyyas &
and Vasavanesis have come.
These ten ten-fold hosts, all of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Samānā Mahāsamānā
Mānusā Mānusuttamā
Khiḍḍā-padūskikā āgū
Āgū Mano-padūsikā
Athāgū Harayo devā
Ye ca Lohitavāsino
Pāragā Mahāpāragā
Āgū devā yasassino
Dasete dasadhā kāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Samānas, Great Samānas,
Mānusas, Super Manusas,
the devas corrupted by fun have come,
as well as devas corrupted by mind.
Then come green-gold devas and those
wearing red.
Pāragas, Great Pāragas, prestigious devas
have come.
These ten ten-fold hosts, all of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Sukkā Karumhā Aruṇā
Āgū Veghanasā saha
Odātagayhā pāmokkhā
Āgū devā Vicakkhaṇā
Sadāmattā Hāragajā
Missakā ca yasassino
Thanayaṃ āgā Pajunno
Yo disā abhivassati
Dasete dasadhā kāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
White devas, ruddy-green devas, dawn-devas
have come with the Veghanas
headed by devas totally in white.
The Vicakkhaṇas have come.
Sadāmatta, Hāragajas, & the
prestigious multi-coloreds,
Pajunna, the thunderer, who brings rain in
all directions:
These ten ten-fold hosts, all of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Khemiyā Tusitā Yāmā
Kaṭṭhakā ca yasassino
Lambitakā Lāmaseṭṭhā
Jotināmā ca āsavā
Nimmānaratino āgū
Athāgū Paranimmitā
Dasete dasadhā kāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Iddhimanto jutimanto
Vaṇṇavanto yasassino
Modamānā abhikkāmuṃ
Bhikkhūnaṃ samitiṃ vanaṃ.
The Khemiyas, Tusitas, & Yāmas, the
prestigious Kaṭṭhakas,
Lambitakas & Lāma chiefs, the
Jotināmas & Āsavas,
the Nimmānaratis have come, as have the
These ten ten-fold hosts, all of varied
powerful, effulgent, glamorous,
rejoicing, have approached the monks'
forest meeting.
Saṭṭhete deva-nikāyā
Sabbe nānatta-vaṇṇino
Nāmanvayena āgañchuṃ
Ye caññe sadisā saha
Dakkhemoghataraṃ nāgaṃ
Candaṃ va asitātitaṃ.'
These 60 deva groups, all of varied hue,
have come arranged in order,
together with others in like manner
'We'll see him who has transcended birth,
who has no bounds, who has crossed over
the flood,
the Mighty One, beyond evil, like the moon
freed from a cloud.'
Subrahmā Paramatto ca
Puttā iddhimato saha
Sanaṅkumāro Tisso ca
Sop'āga samitiṃ vanaṃ.
Upapanno jutimanto
Bhismā-kāyo yasassi so
Desettha issarā āgū
Tesañca majjhato āgā
Hārito parivārito."
Subrahmā and Paramatta Brahma,
together with sons of the Powerful One,
Sanaṅkumāra and Tissa:
They too have come to the forest meeting.
Great Brahmā, who stands over 1,000 Brahma
who arose there spontaneously, effulgent:
Prestigious is he, with a terrifying body.
And ten brahma sovereigns, each the lord
of his own realm —
and in their midst has come Harita Brahma
surrounded by his retinue."
Te ca sabbe abhikkante
Sinde deve sabrahmake
Māra-senā abhikkāmi
Passa kaṇhassa mandiyaṃ
"Etha gaṇhatha bandhatha
Rāgena bandhamatthu vo
Samantā parivāretha
Mā vo muñcittha koci naṃ."
Iti tattha mahāseno
Kaṇha-senaṃ apesayi
Pāṇinā talam-āhacca
Saraṃ katvāna bheravaṃ
Yathā pāvussako megho
Thanayanto savijjuko
Tadā so paccudāvatti
Saṅkuddho asayaṃ-vase
When all these devas with Indras and
Brahmas had come,
Māra came as well.
Now look at the Dark One's foolishness!
[He said:] "Come seize them! Bind
Tie them down with passion!
Surround them on every side!
Don't let anyone at all escape!"
Thus the great war-lord urged on his dark
slapping the ground with his hand,
making a horrendous din, as when
a storm cloud bursts with thunder,
lightning, and torrents of rain.
But then he withdrew — enraged,
with none under his sway.
Tañca sabbaṃ abhiññāya
Vavakkhitvāna cakkhumā
Tato āmantayi Satthā
Sāvake sāsane rate
"Māra-senā abhikkantā
Te vijānātha bhikkhavo"
Te ca ātappam-akaruṃ
Sutvā Buddhassa sāsanaṃ
Vītarāgehi pakkāmuṃ
Nesaṃ lomampi iñjayuṃ
Sabbe vijita-saṅgāmā
Bhayātītā yasassino
Modanti saha bhūtehi,
Sāvakā te janesutāti.
Realizing all this,
the One-with-Vision felt moved to speak.
The Teacher then said to them,
disciples delighting in his instruction,
"Māra's army has approached. Detect
them, monks!"
Listening to the Awakened One's instruction,
they made a diligent effort.
The army retreated from those without
without raising even a hair on their
Having all won the battle — prestigious,
past fear —
they rejoice with all beings:
Disciples outstanding among the human